Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hi there Kiddo!

Dear Anak,

You and Mommy had an appointment in Radiology yesterday afternoon and Daddy and Mama came along with us. They did some x-rays of your little body to make sure 'everything' is OK. Daddy and I will meet with our OB Friday morning and she'll tell us all about the x-rays that they took of You. But here's the exciting part of our appointment...we found out Your gender! Yay! Yippee!
Hello Son :)

Daddy's Mommy wanted to have a Grandaughter
but I am so sure she's going to love you pieces
once she holds you!

You sure proved everyone wrong! A lot
of people told me they thought You'd be a
Baby Girl...hehe :)

Mommy WuvsYou


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh!!!! congratulations!!! it's a boy! whoohooooo!!! that is so exciting... i always told matt if we were to have a kid it better be a boy. =) hehehe... also, lovin' the new format of your blog! =)

Lynsey said...

COngratulations on the boy!!!!!

mommy mye said...

tnx Lynsey :0)
@let-super exciting! everytime someone would ask me if I want a boy or a girl, I'd say I just want a healthy baby and it's true but I secretly hoped for a baby BOY...hehehe :)


A sweet baby boy is on his way to you!! I'm so happy for you and that you are getting that secret wish of a boy : ) Wishing you a continued healthy pregancy and a wonderful delivery day! : )