Thursday, September 16, 2010

Happy Birthday t'Tina

Dear Baby,

Here we are with another September birthday. Today is Christina Cardona Lee's birthday.

there she is, ms. America...hehehe :] or should I say, there
she is...mrs. Lee :)
I call her t'Tina and she is my cousin Jay's wifey which makes her your Auntie Tina :) You are going to LOVE her and she is going to LOVE you to pieces. t'Tina LOVEs kiddos and I cannot wait for her to have babies of her own, she's going to be an AWESOME m0mma!
Happy Birthday from the Gaeta FamBam
Myrene, Adrian, and LiL Peanut

hapwee bwerfday Auntie Tina
can't wait to meet ya!
Love ya, Baby G

Mommy WuvsYou

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