Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Dear Baby,

Today is Wednesday and the time is about 11:30am. Mommy is at work and struggling. Struggling from what you ask? SLEEPINESS! Yup, I am so super sleepy right now. All I want to do is go home and crawl back into bed and stay under the covers all day. It doesn't help that the weather is gloomy either and it's already July! Where's the sun at? Another factor that's not helping? It's a little chilly in the office where Mommy works so it feels even better to want to crawl up into a ball and snore into LaLa land. *sigh*
Anyways, Mommy needs to ask you for a favor. I know this 'allIwannadoiscrawlbackintobedandsleep' syndrome is because I'm pregnat right? Sooooo...can you please help Mommy not be sleepy so much? I yawn like every 10 seconds or so and it is so hard to keep my eyes open. Is there something you can do about that? Or are you in Mommy's tummy chillin' and relaxin' and probably sleeping too? hehe :) Lucky you!
Alrighty then, I better get back to work now :(

--that's me every 10 seconds or so

I wonder what symptoms other soon2BMommies are going through right now...

Mommy Labshyoo!

1 comment:

The Southbay Newlyweds said...

got something over at my blog for you!