Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Dear Baby,

Halloween is coming up on the 31st of this month. The month of October is usually ALL about Halloween. This is the day where everyone-kids of all ages dress up with their costume of choice. Older 'kids' usually go to a party and hang out with their buddies while the little ones go out and about from house to house in their neighborhood and ask for candies. They carry some kind of baggy with them and once someone opens the door, they have to say-TRICK OR TREAT. Once they do that the person who opened the door will hand them some CANDY. Just like that! Simple eh? I bet you can't wait until you get to do that huh? Since You're still in Mommy's tummy this year I don't know if I'll be able to find a costume that will fit me and my HUGE belly. But come next Halloween, You'll be 9 months old and  I cannot wait until I get to dress you up in a cute LiL costume :]
Here's a FUNNY picture I got in an email today:

Mommy WuvsYou

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