Wednesday, October 27, 2010

WCUMC's Pumpkin Patch

Dear Baby,

I wanted to show some pictures of our church's pumpkin patch this year. We usually have it in the front lawn but this year the patch is now at the back lawn of our church. Our patch is SO cute and just gives you that 'warm and home-y' feeling. Linda takes care of this every year and she decorates the patch and she does such an awesome job.
Here are a few pictures that Mommy took while we were working last Sunday:

I hope a lot of people buy from us :]

small ones, big ones, fat ones, tall ones, and even weird
and ugly looking ones

I love all the orange!

we have all kinds of pumpkins

cutie right?

I just thought this guy was a cutie!

look at all the cute LiL pumpkins :]

this witch was probably texting while flying...LoL!
OK that was kinda lame...hahaha!

Mommy WuvsYou

1 comment:

Nicole-Lynn said...

How fun! Love all the color.. that's sweet of you to work it! :)