Monday, October 4, 2010

Movie Weekend

Dear Baby,

Hey Kiddo! Happy Monday :) Here we are at work on a rainy Monday morning. It's a beautiful day outside, cloudy, gloomy, and wet. Any other day, I would be the first to complain but I am loving the cold weather right now. I'd love it even more if I was at home in my PJs and under the covers but it's all good...right? Of course it is!
So...did You have fun this weekend? We were out and about this weekend and ended  up going on a double date with our CruiseMateBuddy Tina and Jared. Yup, the awesome couple that Mommy and Daddy met on our honeymoon cruise. We've kept in touch with them and they are just so nice and fun to hang out with. (I'll get to that later) We started Saturday morning by taking Mama and Papa to work at 6:45am. We went back home and slid back into bed and slept in with Daddy. We woke up around noon and went to recycle some plastic bottles. After that we went to Walmart to buy your doggie brother Milo's dog treats. We then went to the mall and Daddy bought us our FAVE nachos from Tacos Mexico...YUM-O! After the yummy nachos, we went to go pick up Mama and Papa from work. Daddy and I watched a few episodes of our shows on DVR for a little bit and then we got a blanket and laid out in the grass in the path way by the side of our house.
While we were there, I was texting Tina about picking up the parking pass for the fair that she got for me. They were on their way to go watch a movie...a date night for the couple since Tina's aunt was willing to watch the girls for them for the night. She gave us the option to pick up the pass at the theater or I can get it in the morning before we go to the fair the next day. Since Daddy and I were just chillin' outside, we decided to drive to Ontario Mills and pick the up the pass before their movie starts.

When we got there, Jared met us outside the theater. He then handed what I thought was the pass to your Daddy and said, "Let's go watch a movie, come on!" I was like, "but it's YOUR date night." He replied, "the more the merrier."  SO nice of them right? We watched a very cute movie called:

This movie was so funny and sad and cute and we loved it! Daddy and Jared wanted to watch ANOTHER movie after but Tina and I were hungry so we wanted to grub. We went to a place called Richie's Diner and oh man...the food was YUMMY! Daddy and Jared ordered the same thing and got a tripple bbq combo that came with chicken, ribs, and tri-tip with a side of beans and fries (for Daddy) and baked potato (for Jared). Tina and I both got salads, a yummy taco salad for her and a yummy chicken salad for You and me...DELISH! We talked and laughed for hours while enjoying our delicious much fun! It brought memories because it was kind of like having dinner on the ship...hehe :) After dinner, we went our separate ways and we were all happy...and full campers :) *Tina and Jared, thanks again for letting us invade your date night. Adrian and I had a lot of fun...Baby Timmy did too! Can't wait until we hang out again!*

OK, I'll come back and write about what we did Sunday in a little bit. Mommy's going to grab something to munch on real quick...
Mommy WuvsYou

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