Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Date Night

Dear Baby,

Yesterday, your parents went out to watch a movie. We watched a movie that's not even out yet, not out until this Friday. Mommy's BFF ateCherry and her Lovah (hehehe) Tugz gave your parents free tickets to an advance screening of the movie, The Last Airbender in 3D. Mommy enjoyed the movie but Daddy didn't like it too much. The only thing I didn't like-loud kids inside the theatre. The thing that made it worse-parents who just let their kids be noisy while they were the ones focused on the movie. I mean come on!!! I promise I would never do that with  you. If you don't want to watch a movie or if I feel you're not ready to stay still and enjoy a movie then I would not let the other movie goers suffer by you making noise and ME enjoying the show. It was so annoying.
After the movie we went to In-N-Out for dinner and then we went to visit ateCherry and her fam bam to drop off something. We played with her cutie son (which is Mommy's godson so he'll be your godbrother) Omie. He was SO super hyper and SO super happy to see us. I think he was more excited to see your Daddy but that's OK. Mommy ate AGAIN when were there...oh my gosh! ateCherry made adobo and it was so YUMMY I couldn't pass it up. Well, maybe I could've but I just didn't...hehe :)
Omiesh (that's what I call him) didn't want us to leave because he started crying when we were saying BYE and he kept saying he doesn't want us to say bye, he wants us to sa HI instead. Too bad it was already late because we were having so much fun laughing and playing with him.

--this poster is with Aang

--and this one is with Zuko

Mommy Labshyoo!

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