Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Daddy did good!

Dear Baby,

Last night You and I went to Kaiser for another class. This time it was to learn the basics of breastfeeding. I told Daddy he didn't have to go because he might just get bored. The class lasted 2 hours! I didn't think it was going to be that long but I learned a lot and took a lot of notes. You started kicking but I don't think it was because You were having fun. I'm guessing those kicks meant You wanted to me to stand and/or because You were hungry because Mommy's tummy was growling. Daddy called and said he was hungry too so we picked him and took him to Jack 'N the Box. They were giving out 2 free tacos last night (not sure why) and he got himself 2 chicken sandwiches. Mommy didn't get anything because I wanted to eat left over sinigang (sour soup) and brown rice.
After dinner, Daddy got the shower ready for us and I had the best shower ever last night. Daddy put up a new spa shower head, a new curved shower rod, and a new shower curtains that has cutie monkeys all over it.

And to top it off...he cleaned and scrubbed the tub so it was nice and super clean. He did good right? After my shower I was in bed and put my feet up for a little bit. I was about to get up and make Daddy lunch for work but he said to stay put and he'll make his own lunch...whoah! Not sure what was up with Daddy last night but I was lovin' every minute of it. (not used to it but loved it) And it doesn't even end there. He massaged my feet for a little bit before it was his turn to take a shower. *all smiles for Mommy*
It was already late by the time he got out of the shower so we went to sleep right after. Well...we both had trouble sleeping actually. And I think You did too because I felt a lot of movements from You for a little bit. Next thing you know, the alarm sounded and Daddy forced himself out of bed and off to work he went at 5 in the morning. Mommy actually slept in for a little bit thing morning. Mama and Papa didn't go to work today so I didn't have to get up early to take them and then I wasn't feeling well so I called in and told my work I was going to be a little late. I really hope I don't get sick because Papa is sick right now and I know a few people in the building that I work at is sick too.
Well, there you have it. That's my story for the day. It's about 10am right now and Mommy is feeling peachy :o) I just hope it lasts throughout the day and I also hope Daddy is OK at work. Let's send him good thoughts OK? Mommy and Daddy needs a lot of energy for tonight because we have to go to Babies R Us and register for Your Baby Shower, finish cutting the invitations, and mail them out...hopefully we won't be too tired for any of that.

Mommy WuvsYou

1 comment:

Lynsey said...

I love Jack-N-Box. I wish we had one here in town. Glad the class was imformative!