Monday, November 1, 2010

Dinner with the FamBam

Dear Baby,

Here are some pictures from Friday night. We went to Thai BBQ for dinner to celebrate [Mommy's niece]Amber's birthday. Her birthday was about a month ago so this was a late celebration. I'm sure you liked the food because it was DELISH :] We didn't get to take any pictures before and during dinner, and didn't even get any pictures of the food or the yummy ice cream cake because we has SO much fun talking and catching up with each other.
OK, enough talk. Let me show you some pictures:

from L to R
Mommy's sister-your Auntie LJ, Mommy, Mommy's niece-your Ate Beb,
Mommy's Mom-your Mama, Mommy's nephew-Kukooyah, and
Mommy's nephew-your Kuya Bugoy
(Daddy took the picture)

Here's Mama with her Grandkids
You will be her FOURTH addition :]

Mama with the Birthda Girl

Mama with her 2 boys
Can't wait to take a picture with YOU in it next time :]

Here's Mommy with the Birthday Girl :]

I'm sure You felt her hand because she kept
touching my belly, she is SO super excited
to meet You :]

Here's Mommy with my 2 cutie nephews :]

Mommy WuvsYou


Lynsey said...

Cute pictures! You look great!

Tinay-pie said...

Miss everyone!