Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Pictures Galore

Dear Baby,

Here are pictures from last week:

that's your Daddy's bday cake :]

Mommy was craving a chocolate cake
and thankfully Daddy loved it too...hehe :]

your Daddy with his buddies-
they've known each other since
kindergarten :]

the girls-
Letty, your Mommy, Perla, and Ana

Ricky, your Daddy, the other Ricky, and Edgar

your Grandmas-
your Mama and your Abuelita
with Milo of course
(he looks like an alien with them green eyes...haha!)

your Daddy, your Tio Cheo, your Abuelita, and
your Tio Esteban
(*sigh* not sure why they don't like to smile in pictures)

your Papa, your Mama, and your
big fur bro Milo :]

the Gaeta Brothers (minus 2)
at least Daddy is smiling right?

there's your Daddy taking a picture with YOU...hehe :]
(your Abuelita is smiling in this picture)

last but not least-
your Mommy and Daddy
next Christmas we'll be holding YOU...yay!
Mommy WuvsYou

1 comment:

Nicole-Lynn said...

Aw looks like ya'll had fun! That cake looks delicious! Your belly is SO cute!