Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Dear Baby,

Today, You are now 33 WEEKS OLD...yippee! This means we get to meet you in about 7 weeks...give or take. That all depends on when YOU want to come out of Mommy's belly. Although I really am hoping that You won't want to stay in there too long. Your due date is either the 17th of January or the 25th...take your pick. I'm gonna leave it up to You k? I'm just gonna continue to pray for an 'easy' labor and I pray and ask God to keep You healthy and strong always. Wow! I just can't believe You're almost here...eeek!

Anyways, let's see what BabyCenter has to say about You today:

How your baby's growing:

This week your baby weighs a little over 4 pounds (heft a pineapple) and has passed the 17-inch mark. He's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and his skeleton is hardening. The bones in his skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for him to fit through the birth canal. (The pressure on the head during birth is so intense that many babies are born with a conehead-like appearance.) These bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as his brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.

my LiL Peanut is now a Pineapple...hehe :]

How far along: 33 weeks

Maternity Clothes: Lovin' the new pants. Like I said before, I got them a little bigger but they're still comfy. 

Sleep: What's sleep again? Can't really remember what that is anymore :( OK this week has been extremely hard for Mommy. First I was up coughing all night and I'm sure You didn't like that either. And now, Daddy is sick so he's the one that's coughing and tossing and turning at night. And then, if Daddy cough, snores, or moves...You my LiL One responds to that and moves too. Oh geez! Poor Mommy :(
Best Moment of the Week: Mommy received a gift from 2 cool dudes for You :] Rickey and Jacob (father&son) from JTS Sales Group are so sweet to think of You and bought you all these kinds of cute stuff (I'll post pics of that tomorrow)
Movement: Still moving around in there but I don't think you have a lot of room so I don't feel you doing cartwheels anymore. I feel like you're stretching out Mommy's belly to make more room for You. Good for You but bad for Mommy's belly and that means MORE stretch marks :(
Food Craving: Mommy and your Auntie Love aka Auntie LJ (mommy's older sis) met up for a good old pinoy breakfast last Sunday and it was DELISH :]

Gender: I can't wait to meet our LiL Peanut aka our LiL Rookie aka my LiL Peanut-butter cookie aka my SON...wow, what an amazing feeling that I am going to be YOUR mommy :]
I am so lucky and grateful that God chose ME to be YOUR Mommy!

What I'm looking forward to: Your Baby Shower is coming up and I am so excited to see friends and family and celebrate with them. You're gonna feel a lot of hands rubbing my belly I'm sure :]
Weekly Wisdom: I've been (or at least trying to) eat small meals every 2 hours instead of waiting until I get  end up eating a lot because I'm already so hungry.

Mommy WuvsYou

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